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Download the Colleague and Patient Questionnaires via these links:

GMC Patient

DrMSF provides patient questionnaires that were formerly available on the GMC website. We can also supply a ballot box for collecting 360-degree feedback from your patients. You can print your own 360 MSF surveys from our website or the GMC site. The PDF file is available on this webpage via the button below.

The GMC questionnaire is designed to be administered to consecutive patients (or carers) as a post-consultation or ‘exit’ survey. Since 2012, our reports have met or exceeded GMC guidelines and requirements for appraisal and revalidation.

Most agencies accept 360 patient reports containing feedback from 25 patient MSF forms. The GMC suggests that a minimum of 34 completed questionnaires is needed to gain a good overall perception of performance through the eyes of patients. DrMSF includes data entry for up to 40 GMC patient questionnaires for the standard fee.

In late 2020, the GMC introduced an inclusive survey with several gender-affirming options. After DrMSF contacted the GMC about this update and GDPR concerns, the demographics section was significantly reduced. Regardless of which version you have used to gather 360-degree patient information, DrMSF can generate a report for you. Depending on the questionnaire version, your report may not contain all demographics information or may include blank questions.

GMC Colleague

DrMSF continues to use the GMC colleague questionnaire. The colleague survey can be completed either on paper or online by emailing your colleagues a link to the survey. Once completed, the report is forwarded to you along with the GMC benchmarking data and our template for reflection. Since 2012, DrMSF 360 reports have been successfully used to gather colleague feedback for doctors' appraisals and revalidations. Right-click on the button below to save a copy of the GMC colleague questionnaire, or click on it to view.

DrMSF 360 Reports

DrMSF reports have been successfully employed in thousands of appraisals and revalidations since 2012. DrMSF uses the GMC's colleague and patient questionnaires as standard. Using the GMC forms for data collection ensures that our reports meet the GMC requirements, but rest assured that DrMSF reports also exceed these guidlines.

The reports were designed with clarity and ease of use in mind. The responses to each question are presented as both frequency counts and percentages, making them easy to interpret. The final table of the report provides you with scores, ratings and percentages for each question. The percentage calculation methods matches those that generated the GMC benchmarks. You can confidently compare your scores with the GMC's own benchmarks. At the end of the process you are emailed the report, the GMC benchmarking data, and our handy 'template for reflection'. Our reports provide supporting evidence of 360° multi-source feedback for your appraisal and revalidation requirements.

GMC guidelines

The GMC says you must reflect on feedback from colleagues and patients (or if you don’t have patients, those you provide medical services to) at least once in every revalidation cycle. DrMSF's template for reflection will help you with the process of reflection. The aim of reflection is to identify what you are doing well and ways to improve your practice. All feedback, both positive and critical, is valuable if it helps you to reflect on your practice. The GMC states that appraisals should take into account all of the information you gather about your practice. The multi-source 360 degree feedback you gain should not be used in isolation for making judgements.

DrMSF are an independent survey organisation

Data collection for the colleague survey should be managed by an independent survey organisation. Doctors provide the survey organisation with a list of their nominated colleagues, and their e-mail or postal addresses.

Nominating a supporting medical colleague (optional)

At the beginning of the survey process, doctors might like to nominate a ‘supporting medical colleague’ with whom they can informally discuss their report shortly after its receipt.

DrMSF provide a template to help with reflecting on your 360

Appraisal is a supportive and developmental forum, giving you the opportunity to reflect on your professional practice over the past year. Reflecting on both positive and critical experiences and being supported to reflect, is important for your wellbeing and development. Reflecting on your supporting information and what it says about your practice will help you improve the quality of care you give your patients and the services you provide as a doctor. You will not meet our requirements by simply collecting the required information.